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Jumat, 21 Mei 2010

JAF Virtual PKEY V5 – run JAF 1.98.66 beta5 with ANY JAFBox firmware

Hi, JAF Virtual PKEY v5.0 released:

- Work with latest (today) official update 1.98.66 beta5
- As usual, NO NEED any P(otato)-KEY, fully emulated in software
- Always report to JAF Main software “fake” 01.B4 JAFBox firmware version
- Work with ANY JAFBox firmware version inside box (e.g. 01.B0, 01.B1, 01.B2, 01.B4)
- Make JAFBox TEA Authentification (if needed, for firmware versions 01.B2 and 01.B4) before starting JAF Main software 1.98.66 beta5


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