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Rabu, 05 Mei 2010

mobileEx 3.4 (rev1.0) : mobileEx_setup_v3.4_rev1.0_20100503

v3.4 revision 1.0, Public-Release
Major changes.

Introduced BLADE-X and BLADE-Z server system.
BLADE-Z will accept request for Card services (Registration,Update License, Sign Application, and soon)
BLADE-X will accept request for Nokia and BlackBerry services(BB MEP calc, DCT4RPL, DCT4PLUS SIMRPL, BB5SD, BB5SDAUTH, BB5SIMRPL, BB5NCKCALC and soon)
Servers are run in 4 hosts, priority could be selected from server list options.
Due to keep the server stability, older server will be removed and all older releases are obsolete.
- NK
Removed DCT4PLUS activation, all MXKEY users now can use DCT4PLUS unlock for limited number of phones.
Minor bug fixes.

All modules recompiled for new api compability.
removed NKC module, as DCT4PLUS activation are no longer required.

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